
Still photography with food styling for bakery. Dark series.

We took a series of photos with beautiful crispy pastries.
#breadway #bakery #darkseries #photography #byMAISON

Still photography with food styling for bakery. Light series.

We took a series of photos with beautiful crispy pastries.
#breadway #bakery #lightseries #photography #byMAISON

We’ve got the news in our packaging and foodstyling portfolio

We created completely new packaging designs for the three products for the Varmuža brand, photography and foodstyling included.

Wine & Food styling for Slovenské Vinice

We took a series of the stylized photos for the campaign..
#foodstyling #wine #slovenskevinice #photography #byMAISON

The food photography and haute cousine for the restaurant in Zlin

We love the high class gastronomy. And in Zlin, they do it perfectely.
#foodstyling #foodphotography #zlin #hautecuisine #frenchcuisine #byMAISON

The photographic series and foodstyling for Vietnamese restaurant

When the meal tastes even better than it looks.
#foodstyling #foodphotography #vietnam #prague #byMAISON

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