We are grateful for the opportunity to illustrate the cover of the Font magazine in Czech republic

It was an honor to participate in this legendary magazine about graphic design.
#illustration #font #publicrelations #byMAISON

Series of digital illustration with the original story

We created playful series of illustrations to complement our digital department.
#illustration #branding #design #byMAISON

Branding and packaging design for the cat snack

We designed an illustrated packaging design of the meat sticks for your pets.
#packaging #illustrated #design #catfood #animalfood #byMAISON

Digital painting illustration for seasonal packaging design

We love drawing, painting, x-mas and of course chocolate. It all came together in this lovely project.

Realistic fruit illustration for packaging design

We created an authorial detailed illustration of oranges in their natural representation
#fruit #orange #illustration #design #byMAISON

A series of illustrated icons for the Bageterie Boulevard brand

When creating the iconography, we work with very fine differences in stylization
#symbols #icons #illustration #design #byMAISON